Leading the way
Total RNA Extraction & Isolation Kits
Quicker extractions, higher purity, better yields, and zero DNase cleanup with Life Magnetics’ carbon-based RNA extraction and isolation kits.
Ultra Pure
Carbon surfaces have no carryover of DNA, protein, or organic solvents
Better Yield
Better RNA yield with difficult samples
Quick and Robust
RNA Isolation in <10 min
Simple Automation
Compatible with liquid and bead handling automated systems
No DNASE Cleanup
So selective that DNA contamination is undetectable by PCR
Integrated Shipping
RNA complexes with carbon for stable shipping at room temperature

Our Technology
The next generation of RNA sample preparation is here.
Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), our company has developed a carbon-coated magnetic bead the isolates and stabilizes RNA. For more than a decade, scientists have studied a unique interaction between carbon and single stranded nucleic acids, pi-pi stacking. We have leveraged this with our technology to create a product that is superior in RNA purity and selectivity.
The process is simple, low-cost, and compatible with a variety of lysis buffers and methodologies. Watch an extraction right here!
Trusted Globally By Our Customers
This system offers greater convenience compared to Trizol since it can be performed on a benchtop rather than requiring a fume hood. Its ease of use is comparable to Qiagen systems. Additionally, a potential advantage of this kit over Qiagen systems is its scalability.

Joe Endicott, Ph. D.
University of Michigan, School of Medicine Ann Arbor